Reparation Tower Harlem
“Reparation Tower, Harlem”, 2004 is a full-scale sales office for a 40-story luxury apartment tower in the shape of an upturned fist. It was shown in the Harlemworld: Metropolis as Metaphor exhibition at the Studio Museum in Harlem in 2004. With its motto of, "History, Destiny, Luxury" and segregated "Whites only" and "colored" entrances, it prompts participants to examine the intersecting issues of gentrification, class, and race.

Reparation Tower, Harlem exterior view from the corner of 125th Street and Lenox Avenue

Studio loft model apartment, Reparation Tower Harlem

Reparation Tower Harlem was designed by Marc White, principle, White Architects

"Reparation Tower Harlem, mock-up of magazine ad, 2-page spread

full-page sales ad design

Stakeholder logos

The installation featured segregated entrances that led to different experiences inside the sales office.

exhibition view (installation view)

exhibition opening (installation view)

view from the "colored entrance" (detail)

visitors to the sales office were encouraged to fill out a "prospective homeowners questionnaire".